Saturday, 2 February 2013

Men are like buses....

Large, slightly cumbersome, difficult to drive, and sometimes smell funny.  Oh and they can leave you struggling to hold on to the last of your inner zen.
But mostly, they come along simultaneously, leaving you with tough decisions to make.  You can be on one bus route, then the bus breaks down, you have to await a replacement, and then 2 or more rock up.  Like unassuming partners in crime.
To protct my heart, and to have a laugh, I'm doing multi-dating.  
Yet again, they have both text me in the space of a minute.  After waiting to hear from them all day, then deciding I am done with waiting and on to the next, I hear from them.  Not really what I'd hope for, more matey type messages - but as I was writing my (draft) theory on the male orgasm and longevity of intimacy, then my phone goes off, I have decided to tweak the piece somewhat. 

The Cosmos is confusing me right now.  So I'm going to take my friends' advice and accept that I need to be more demanding and make them chase me.  I want to have fun, enjoy myself and to let myself be wooed.  The fact I still cant decide – well actually the fact I’m thinking ‘bugger being played for a bunch of bananas’ – means I need more time before settling down to monogamy.  Because as my friend pointed out – once you’ve chosen one, you have to stop dating.  And thus far, 2013’s ones have turned out to be, well, better than the previous ones.  I guess it just means I have to go back to being prudish – and buy a super-size pack of Duracell. 

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